October 10, 2020 ALERT: The Montgomery Blair High School PTSA will hold its 2020-2021 ‘Board Officers & MCCPTA Delegates Election’ IN-PERSON on Tuesday, October 20, 2020. Click HERE for details.
Below are the 2020-2021 Nominees for the Montgomery Blair High School PTSA’s Elected Board Officer Positions.
- PRESIDENT: Mariama Orange
- TREASURER: Rex Robison
- SECRETARY: Ingrid Carter
The Blair HS PTSA’s Nominating Committee’s recruitment for board officer and delegate nominees was held between March – May 2020. The Nominating Committee did not receive 2020-2021 nominations for the following three Blair HS PTSA elected positions: Vice President of Academic Affairs; MCCPTA Delegate (A); and MCCPTA Delegate (B).
✅ ALERT: Additional nominations for the Board Officer and MCCPTA Delegate positions can be made from the floor at a 2020-2021 Blair HS PTSA general membership meeting (date to be determined). View our ‘volunteer opportunities‘ webpage’ for more information about the recruitment and nomination process.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic which led to the closing of MCPS schools and buildings for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year and through Fall 2020, the Blair HS PTSA, at the present time, has not scheduled its in-person general membership meeting in order to conduct its elections.
FYI: The Maryland PTA (the governing body of the Montgomery Blair High School PTSA), states in its “Bylaws, Article VI, Section 5”: “The bylaws of each constituent association shall prohibit voting by proxy, mail (including by electronic transmission), or absentee.” Accordingly, “constituent associations may NOT hold electronic elections during the COVID-19 emergency.” Furthermore, “if a constituent association is unable to hold a general membership meeting at which officers are elected, the current officers will remain in office until it is legal to hold an election and the newly elected officers assume their duties.” (From April 17, 2020 Maryland PTA Advisory Re PTA Operations During COVID-19 Emergency).
Once the Blair HS PTSA are able to hold its officer and delegate elections or can conduct membership business electronically, the Nominating Committee will announce the date/time of the elections and any additional election-related news as soon as possible.
If you have any questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the Blair HS PTSA Nominating Committee (Ben Bond-Lamberty, Lisa Finkelstein, Angelia Levy/Chair) at NominatingCmteBlairHSPTSA@gmail.com.
Reminder: The Blair HS PTSA has a host of volunteer opportunities available (Board Officers, MCCPTA Delegates, Board Members and Ad-Hoc Committee Chairs) for the 2020-2021 school year. Read our overview of volunteering for the Blair HS PTSA and check-out our list of volunteer openings.