The Blair Citrus Sale is a fundraiser for the Montgomery Blair High School Parent Teacher Student Association (Blair HS PTSA), which allows the PTSA to support many great activities/programs at Blair including MiniGrants, After Prom, and Staff Appreciation.
The Citrus Sale takes place in the Fall (from mid-September to early November) with delivery/pick-up of fruit typically scheduled for the first weekend in December. Note: The Blair HS PTSA earns approximately 50% from the price of the produce sold via the Citrus Sale.
The Citrus Sale is not only a fundraiser, but also a Blair community activity: you can order fruit for yourself and/or on behalf of your co-workers, friends and family. You can even order fruit as a donation to Shepherd’s Table, an organization in Silver Spring helping the homeless with meals and other services
It is amazing how many Blair families continue to order fruit long after their children have graduated!
If you have any questions about the Citrus Sale, please email the Blair HS PTSA’s Citrus Sale Committee Chair: HERE.
Montgomery Blair HS PTSA’s ‘Citrus Sale’ Fundraising History