The Blair High School PTSA’s ‘Citrus Sale 2019’ By The Numbers:
- 9,540 POUNDS = Weight of the fruit that Mr. Charles’s 1st period weight training class moved from the truck to the stadium concession stand in about 25min.
- 580 POUNDS = Weight of fruit donated to Shepherd’s Table (almost twice as much as last year) which was loaded into the back of Marcy Bufalini‘s car so she could deliver to them.
- 15 HOURS = SSL hours earned by Yorjan Garcia, Celvin Villeda, Walter Castillo and Brayan Lopez during pick-up day. It was great to have extra help to carry fruit to customer’s cars!
- 233 = Number of fruit orders placed by this year’s Citrus Sale customers.
- $6,600+ = Money earned through the fundraiser to support PTSA activities such as MiniGrants, Staff Appreciation, and AfterProm.
⭐ Thank you to everyone who placed an order during this year’s sale!
⭐ Thank you to the volunteers mentioned above as well as the ones below who helped to make this year’s sale a success: Beth Hisle-Gorman, Lisa Hone, Andrew Partan, Mary Hanisco, Steve Plank, Ashwini Thakur AND Brian Kelliher.
⭐ And thanks to the Blair HS staff members who provided support, especially Ms. Biggs and Mr. Perron.
MESSAGE FROM BLAIR PTSA CITRUS SALE COMMITTEE CHAIR: “This is my final year as a Blair parent. I have enjoyed organizing the Blair Citrus Sale for the past 4 years, but now it will be time for new leadership. I will be available to provide assistance and support to whoever takes this on next year (including handing off copious lists/files/signs). It has really been a great experience to help the school and work with a great group of volunteers some of whom keep coming back to help after their children have graduated. THAT is how great this group is! If you are interested. ” Thank You! Lisa Finkelstein, Citrus Sale Chair