2015-16 Mini-Grants Summary Report

The PTSA Mini-grants program was allocated $8000 for the 2015-16 school year. Twenty-five applications for a total of $10,100.50 were considered. At least partial funding was awarded to twenty-four grants for a total award of $8970.5. Funds were requested and paid on twenty grants for a total of $6242.93. Four applicants with grants representing $1785 either did not submit request for funds, did not need the funds after they were awarded, or submitted request for extensions after the June deadline had past.

Seven of this year’s grants totaling $3000 (33.4%) were awarded to Administration sponsored activities in the Academies, Media Center, W.E.B DuBois Honor Society, and the No Labels Diversity Workshop. Six awards went to the combined sciences totaling $2,646.56 (29.5%) for either consumables (classroom/laboratory supplies and incentives) or durable equipment purchases (Mini CR for Genetics and AP Biology and Melting Pot apparatus for Organic and AP Chemistry). Four Club grants ($700, 7.8%) provided supplies, meals or transportation to the Science Olympiad, Green Team Hiking/Writing, and Chemathon clubs and the BLISS/ESOL Buddy Program. Three grants ($1322.94, 14.7%) were awarded to the Health and PE departments for Weight Vests, equipment for a new Track and Field unit and an iPod for dance and fitness classes. The Math department was awarded two grants for $1100 (12.3%) to support the graphing calculator rental program and the AP Statistics and Calculus Mock Exam. ESOL science received one grant for $400 (4.5%) to assist with field trips and one English department grant $200 (2.2%) was awarded to purchase companion books for the 10th and 11th grade reading curriculum.

The following changes to the Mini-grants process were implemented this year:

  • The on-line application was streamlined.
  • Application deadline was moved up to November and award announcements were made in January.
  • All applicants were current PTSA members.

The PTSA Mini-grants program will continue to build on the successes of the past and continue to evolve to best meet the needs of the Blair school community.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Krimm, Mini-grants Chair
September 19, 2016