Text below from Montgomery Blair High School Email Message to Blair Families (February 16, 2021).
Blazers looking for Virtual SSL (student service learning) Opportunities should check out Blair’s SSL website located under shortcuts on Blair’s Homepage (see link below).
➡️ Seniors must complete 75 SSL hours by Friday, April 9, 2021 to meet their graduation requirement.
SSL forms can be emailed to SSLatMBHS@gmail.com.
If you have questions you can meet with Mrs. Sanchez, SSL Coordinator, during SSL office hours on Wednesdays at 11:15 am.
Zoom information can be found on Blair’s SSL website. Learn about SSL Updates and Opportunities. Find verification forms and how to turn in your SSL forms: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/sslatmbhs/home?authuser=0
Related Materials:
- MCPS: Student Service Learning Hours (SSL) – information and opportunities