NOTE: The Blair High School PTSA’s 2020-2021 Mini-grants Application period CLOSED on November 25, 2020. Mini-grant applications will no longer be accepted for submission.
The purpose of the Montgomery Blair High School PTSA Mini-grants is to fund innovative, informative and enriching projects for Blair High School students that might not otherwise be feasible.
Considering the ongoing challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic presents for teachers, parents and students, mini-grants will focus its current grants cycle solely on the support of instruction delivery and identified student needs during distance learning.
This year, we are seeking grant proposals that:
- Offer direct benefit to current Blair students; and,
- Articulate a gap or need to enhance virtual learning or help students meet basic needs.
NOTE: While we encourage proposals that seek to bridge gaps in or collaborate with current programming, priority will be given to projects that do not duplicate the efforts of programs such as Kindness Corner or items already allocated for funding in the PTSA budget.
Maximum award amount per grant: $400.00
Wednesday, November 10, 2020 | On-line application available |
Wednesday, November 24, 2020 | Application deadline with electronic submission by 12:00 midnight |
Monday, December 14, 2020 | Mini-grant committee recommends awards & allocations |
Friday, December 18, 2020 | Award notification emails sent to applicants |
Sunday, January 31, 2021 | Deadline to spend funds and submit reimbursement requests for grants |
- All applicants must be current PTSA members and use the PTSA grant application in order to apply for a Blair HS PTSA Mini-grant. The application document is a very simple form where applicants can describe their proposed projects, how many students will benefit, and how much funding is being requested. Once the application has been successfully submitted, a time and date stamp will be embedded within the application. Do not wait until the last minute! Please note that applications that are submitted late or incomplete will not be considered for funding. Applicants will receive confirmation emails when their applications have been successfully submitted.
- All applicants will be screened to ensure that the proposals comply with the required date of submission, adequate completion, and PTSA membership status. Each application is expected to stand on its own merits and clearly present an accurate and complete description of the proposed project or instructional need. In limited cases, the Mini-grants Committee may ask for clarifying information regarding the proposed project from a faculty subject matter expert.
- During program review, the members of the Mini-grants Committee will review and evaluate every application that meets the above-mentioned requirements. The Mini-grants Review Committee meets to discuss the applications and determine the awardees recommended for funding, and the funding amounts for each individual request and as a whole.
- The Mini-grants Chair will submit award and allocation recommendations to the PTSA Executive Board for final approval. After approval is received, Applicants will be notified of their award status via e-mail.
Mini-grant funds must be used only for the project/item proposed in the original application. Reimbursement will only be paid for expenses incurred during the current Mini-grant cycle. At the end of the semester, grantees will be invited to submit a brief impact statement describing the effectiveness and influence of the project, as well as a digital photograph representing the project to the Mini-grants committee
Please consider the following criteria when putting together your application:
- Completeness of information
- Beneficiaries of the project:
- Number of students.
- Potential benefit for underserved student populations including but not limited to ESOL, Special Education, others considered “at risk”.
- Academic departmental representation:
- Percentage of total applications and total annual awards from any given department.
- Enduring benefit to MBHS and Blair students.
Examples of items that will WILL NOT be applicable/covered by the mini-grant:
- Instructional items that are considered required materials (i.e. textbooks), due to educational funding supplanting rules
- Projects that already receive PTSA funding
- Private transportation
If you have any questions and/or comments in regards to the Montgomery Blair High School PTSA’s Mini-grants program, please contact Tonia Bair, Blair HS PTSA Mini-grants Chairperson via our Contact Form.
The Mini-grants Committee is a standing Montgomery Blair High School PTSA committee and bound by all PTSA rules and regulations.
The responsibilities of the Mini-grants Committee include:
- Review the Mini-grants Program annually and make modifications as needed.
- Submit an updated Mini-grants Program to the PTSA Executive Board annually with application and award deadlines specified.
- Submit an end of the year report to the PTSA Executive Board.
- Assure that up-to-date forms and information are available on the PTSA website.
- Review and evaluate every application, then determine as a committee the Mini-grant award and allocation recommendations to be submitted to the PTSA Executive Board.
- Communicate with applicants on the status of their applications.
- Process grant award payments.
- Promote PTSA Mini-grants within the Blair community.
Mini-grants Committee participation is open to all Montgomery Blair High School faculty, staff, parents and students. All committee members must be current PTSA members. If you are interested in the Mini-grants Committee, please contact Tonia Bair, Blair HS PTSA Mini-grants Chairperson via our Contact Form.